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Vol.24, No.8, 862 ~ 870, 1986
The Creep behavior of Heat Treated and Carburized Nimonic 86
조만형 Man Hyong Dzo
Creep behaviors of solution treated, solution and precipitation heat treated, and solution, precipitation and carburization treated Nimonic 86 alloys were compared. Solution treatments were carried out at 1150℃ for 2 hours and precipitation treatments were performed at 900℃ for 200 and 1000 hours. Carburization treatments were performed during precipitation treatment using carburizing atmosphere. Creep tests were carried out up to 1200 hours at 850 and 950℃. Precipitation heat treatment decreased the creep resistance compared to the solution treatment. and the carburization treatment significantly increased the creep resistance, especially at 950℃. The results were explained by the relative amounts, size, and distribution of carbide precipftates.
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