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Vol.24, No.12, 1308 ~ 1314, 1986
Effects of Hydrogen on the Mechanical Properties of Dual Phase Steels
김태도Tae Do Kim, 이경섭Kyung Sub Lee, 이동형Dong Hyoung Lee, 이상익Sang Ik Lee
Dual phase steels are characterized by a microstructure consisting of a dispersion of about 20 percent of hard martensite particles in a soft, ductile ferrite matrix and their mechanical properties are controlled by martensite and ferrite matrix In this experiment the effects of the volume fraction of the martensite phase and martensite distribution on the hydrogen embrittlement of the dual phase steel were investigate. As the volume fraction of the martensite phase increased and the intermartensite distance decreased, higher degree of the hydrogen embrittlement was observed. The hydrogen was found to increase the decohesion of ferrite/martensite interface.
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