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Vol.25, No.1, 15 ~ 21, 1987
Corrosion Rate Measurements of Welded Parts of Stainless Steel Using electrochemical Methods
이홍로 Hong Ro Lee
Corrosion rates of three types of welded 304 stainless steel specimens immersed in 1 N H₂SO₂ solution at room temperature were obtained from potentiodynamic polarization curves, Tafel plots and polarization resistance curves. Corrosion rate measurements by using AC impedance technique were also carried out in order to investigate whether these values agreed fairly well with the values obtained from other electrochemical techniques. Corrosion rates of welded specimens were increased with increasing frequency of GTAW and decreasing current density of GTAW. It was concluded that an A.C. impedance technique could be successfully utilized for determining a local corrosion rate of welded parts.
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