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Vol.25, No.1, 53 ~ 63, 1987
Orientation Dependence of Stored Energy and Coherent Domain Size During Cold Rolling of Single and Polycrystalline Fe - 1. 7% Si Alloy
한봉희Bong Hee Hahn, 박영구Young Koo Park
Orientation dependence of stored energy and coherent domain size during cold rolling was studied by Fourier analysis of X-ray diffraction line profiles in single and polycrystalline Fe-1.7% Si alloy In the polycrystalline specimens, the sequence of stored energy after cold rolling was V(110)$gt; V(112)$gt; V(111)$gt;(100) for any column length, and V(ND)$gt;V(TD)$gt;V(RD) for the reference direction of speciments (ND: normal direction, TD: transverse direction and RD: rolling direction). The sequence of coherent domain size was D(100)$gt;D(112)$gt;D(111)$gt;D(110) at ND and TD, and D(112)$gt;D(110)$gt;D(111)$gt;D(100) at RD. Consequently three dimensional shape of the coherent domain was expected to be thin and elongated for the grain oriented ([112], [110], [111])//ND and equiaxed in some degree for the grain oriented [100]//ND. In the single crystal specimens, more energy was stored for the crystals initially oriented stable. Though the final orientations were the same, large differences were found between the stored energy of different initial orientations. The sequence of coherent domain size for the different crystal orientations was in the reverse order of stored energy.
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