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Vol.25, No.8, 593 ~ 601, 1987
Influence of Copper on the Fracture Toughness of Ductile Cast Iron
윤보식B . S . Yoon, 강인찬I . C . Kang
The effects of copper addition on the microstructure of matrix and fracture toughness value of a ductile cast iron was studied. Addition of copper changed the load vs. C.O.D. curve of the as-cast specimen from the Type-Ⅰ to the Type-Ⅲ. The fracture toughness of the cast iron decreased as the copper content increased; 19% decrease of K_(IC)-value was observed when 2,0% of copper was added. More than 1.0% addition of copper did not show significant further effect on the fracture toughness. Copper addition also caused a transition in the fracture mode from a ductile fashion to brittle one.
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