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Vol.25, No.12, 852 ~ 859, 1987
A study on the Growth of C / V Graphite Cast Iron
강춘식 , 김종영 Choon Sik Kang , Chong Young Kim
The growth characteristics of a C/V graphite cast iron produced by a reduced-Mg method have been studied. The linear growth was 11.3-13.2% in C/V graphite cast iron, 17.7% in flake graphite cast iron and 10.3% in nodular graphite cast iron. As the amount of growth increased, the internal structure of graphite and graphite/matrix interface became porous and graphite particles precipitated in the matrix. The amount of the precipitated graphite particles increased with repeated thermal cycles and they formed around the preexisting graphite. This region was separated from the ferritic matrix in which no graphite particle precipitated.
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