
Home > KJMM 논문 > 발간논문

Vol.26, No.3, 230 ~ 268, 1988
Effects of Boron Content and Slab Reheating Temperature on the hardness of Cold - rolled Steel Sheet Containing Boron
정우창Woo Chang Jeong, 정기조Ki Jo Jeong
The effects of boron content and slab reheating temperature on the hardness of cold rolled steel sheet containing 0.0017-0.0103 wt.% boron were investigated. The minimum hardness was obtained in the steel with B/N atomic ratio of about 1.0. The ferrite grain size of the hot band in the boron-bearing steel appeared to be strongly influenced by solute boron content segregated on the austenite grain boundary. Variations in the size and distribution of cementite of the hot band were observed in the boron-rich steel. This was interpreted in terms of a newly proposed mechanists The hardness decreased with decreasing slab reheating temperature. This was attributed to the insufficient suppression of ferrite grain growth due to the precipitation of coarse BN.
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