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Vol.26, No.3, 293 ~ 307, 1988
Numerical Analysis of the Solidification in the continuously Cast Beam Blank
이성호Sung Ho Lee, 이동녕Dong Nyung Lee
A two dimensional finite difference model has been developed to calculate the temperature distribution and the solidification profile of the continuously cast beam blank. The effect of the Pouring temperature, the casting speed, and the cooling condition has been examined. It has been shown by the calculation that the surface temperature and the solid shell thickness of the cast do not significantly vary with the pouring temperature or the casting speed, and that the effect of the cooling condition, particularly in the mold is critical. Non-uniform cooling resulting from the air gap formation develops the thermal stress in the solid shell and this is the main cause of the surface defects. Consequently, rather soft cooling should be applied to decrease the possibility of the crack formation.
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