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Vol.26, No.6, 568 ~ 573, 1988
Effects of Lattice Vacancies and Dislocations on the Hydrogen diffusion in Copper at 22℃
김기태Ki Tae Kim, 김석수Suk Soo Kim, 변수일Su Il Pyun
The effects of vacancies and dislocations on the hydrogen diffusion in Cu have been studied at 22℃ by using electrochemical permeation technique. Two kinds of specimens were prepared from cold-rolled Cu specimens. One batch (A) of this material was annealed for 5 min at 950℃ and then quenched in cold water prior to reannealing for various times at 80 and/or 150℃. The other (B) was annealed either for 24 h at 150℃ or for 24 h at 750℃. Hydrogen diffusivity has been measured in the quenched specimen as a function of annealing for various times at 80 and/or 150 ℃. Electrical resistivity measurements of the quenched specimen A indicate that lattice vacancies are annihilated with reannealing at 80 ℃. As reannealing Time increases, the diffusivity increases, suggesting that the vacancies act as trap sites of hydrogen. The apparent diffusivity of hydrogen in the cold -rolled specimen annealed at 750 ℃ is slightly higher than that in the cold-rolled specimen annealed at 150 ℃, suggesting that the dislocations hardly act as trap sites of hydrogen in Cu contrary to BCC metals.
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