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Vol.26, No.7, 706 ~ 716, 1988
The Effects of Grain Boundary Segregation of P on the Stress Corrosion Cracking and the Mechanism of SCC of Mild Steel in Hot Ca ( NO3 ) 2 Solution
김기태 , 이성민 , 변수일 Ki Tae Kim , Seong Min Lee , Su Il Pyun
Effects of grain boundary segregation of phosphorus (P) on the stress corrosion cracking (SCC) and on the SCC mechanism of mild steal in hot 55% Ca(NO₃)₂ soultion have been investigated by using the slow strain rate and constant load methods. The SCC susceptibility was examined as a function of applied potential, strain rate and test temperature. The extent of P segregation effect on SCC is greatly affected by the kinetics of dissolution of passivating film developed on the specimen surface depending upon the SCC test condition. That is, the effect of P segregation at grain boundaries is revealed markedly in the presence of stab1e passive films on the specimen surfaces. This result is discussed in terms of the stability of passivating films as a function of applied potential, strain rate, test temperature and loading method. The IGC susceptibility seams to be necessary for the occurrence of SCC susceptibility in case of the P-doped mild steel. From the experimental SCC results and SEM fractography, the SCC mechanism of mild steel proved to be strain-induced anodic dissolution irrespective of grain boundary segregation of P.
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