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Vol.26, No.8, 784 ~ 789, 1988
Study of the Equilibrium Phase Diagram of the NaAIF6 - Pbo System by Differential Thermal Analysis
서길원Gill Won Suh, 유재근Jae Keun Yoo, 백영현Young Hyun Paik
The partial binary phase diagram of the system Na₃AIF_6-PbO was investigated by means of the Differential Thermal Analysis(DTA) using platinum cells with caps to minimize vaporization effects. Peak points on the DTA curve were taken as transition temperatures due to the difficulty in interpreting overlapping eutectic-and liquids peaks. The system was found to be a simple eutectic over the range studied(0 to 45wt.% PbO), with the eutectic point at 28.02wt.% PbO and 897.6℃, X-ray powder diffraction patterns showed no solid solution.
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