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Vol.26, No.8, 789 ~ 799, 1988
Fabrication and Microstrucual stability of Unidirectionally Solidified Ribbon Type Pb - Sn Eutectic Alloys
배동현Dong Hyun Bae, 이상엽Sang Youb Lee, 이동희Dong Hi Lee
Ribbon type Pb-Sn eutectic alloy of 0.2∼0.8 ㎜ thickness fabricated continuously by using an unidirectional solidification apparatus. When the controlled growth velocity was in the range of 0.011∼0.038 ㎝/min. at the constant temperature gradient in solid, G= 33.79 ℃/㎝, well aligned eutectic specimen of lamellar spacing, λ= 2∼4 ㎛ could be prepared into ribbon shape longer than 100 ㎜ in length. A micro-morphological stability of solid-liquid interface was analysed by means of three theoretical stability models.
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