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Vol.26, No.8, 799 ~ 810, 1988
The Effect of Rolling and Heat Treatment on the Texture of Zircaloy - 4 Sheet
이재관J . K . Lee, 황선근S . K . Hwang, 양명승M . S . Yang
The crystallographic texture of cold worked and heat treated Zircaloy-4 sheet was analyzed quantitatively and its relationship with the mechanical anisotropy was investigated. The anisotropy parameter, R, was determined by Knoop micro-hardness test while the texture parameters, f_n and F_n, were obtained from pole figures. The texture parameters and the anisotropy parameter were influenced by cold work or heat treatment temperature. They increased with α-phase recrystallization heat treatment, but decreased with 950℃ heat treatment in the β-phase region. The theoretical relationship between the mechanical anisotropy parameter and the crystallographic texture parameter was in fair agreement with the single crystal slip model of Van Swam et al.. For less severely textured materials, however, measurements of R-values tended higher than the theoretical prediction.
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