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Vol.26, No.9, 895 ~ 902, 1988
Variation of Transformation Temperatures in a Cu - Zn - Al Shape Memory Alloy by heat Treatments
정인상In Sang Chung, 박경채Kyeung Chae Park, 허재룡Jae Ryong Huh
Variation of martensitic transformation temperatures in the Cu-14.38 Zn-6.75Al (Wt%) Shape memory alloy to heat treated in various conditions was systematically investigated by the use of dilatometry. The stable transformation temperatures(M_s, M_f, A_s, A_f,) of the al1oy are reproducible in the two step quenched alloy(above M_s and subsquently below M_f) rather than in the direct quenched one below M_f. An aging and a thermal cycling has a slight influence upon the transformation temperatures of the alloy due to the stabilization of the corresponding phases. Aging in the parent phase decrease M_s and in the martensite phase increase A_s Transformation temperatures are become constant after 100 cycles during 298 K(<M_f)↔423 K(>A_f) cycling. An order of transformation temperatures are changeable from class I (M_f<M_s<A_s<A_f) to class Ⅱ(M_f<A_s<M_s<A_f) or vice versa by a thermal history of the a1loy.
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