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Vol.27, No.4, 313 ~ 319, 1989
A Study on the Fabrication of Ultra fine - Grained Ni - Particles by Reduction Precipitation process
김영삼Young Sam Kim, 설수덕Soo Duk Seul
Ni-particles have a ferromagnetic and antioxidation characteristics in general. To prevent the separation of Ni-metal particles from the particulate liquid Ni-metal phases(such as ink etc) should be ultra fine grained. This study shows some results of which Ni-metal particles is chemically reduction precipitated to make ultra-fined particles under the variation of N₂H₄as reduction agent and Na₂C₃H₄ complexant and NaOH solution. 1) Na₂C₄H₄O_6 complexant which is added to depress precipitation of Nickel hydroxide in N₂H₄NaOH solution made rapidly facilitated the Nickel reduction. While inc1eased the Ni-particle size. 2) It was easy to precipitate ferromagnetic Ni-particles with increaseing of N₂H₄quantity in the solution. 3) The specific surface area of Ni-particles was increased N₂H₄agent reduction concentration and temperature of solution. 4) Specific surface area and diameter of fine grained Ni-partic1es obtained at conditions of N₂H₄ 0.6㏖/ℓ, NaOh 7.50㏖/ℓ and 95±5℃ was 38㎡/g, 300 600(A) respectively.
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