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Vol.27, No.8, 714 ~ 721, 1989
A Study of Glass Forming Ranges and Crystallization Reactions of Co - Evaporated Tb - Fe and Gd - Fe Alloy Films
이성래Seong Rae Lee, 김종한Jong Han Kim
Structures, crystallization reactions and kinetics of co-evaporated Tb-Fe and Gd-Fe alloy films were studied by transmission electron microscopy and differential thermal analysis. Amorphous films were formed for the Tb-Fe alloy with 24 to 55 at5 Tb. Alloy films with up to 24 at% Tb were composed of α-Fe microcrystals dispersed in an amorphous matrix. Alloy films with more than 55 at%Tb content some α-Tb crystals. The phenomena of preferential crystallization of α-Fe and α-RE microcrystals were interpreted using a hypothetical metastable eutectic system with of α-Fe and α-RE phases. The activation energies for the crystallization of the Tb-Fe and the Gd-Fe alloy films were the largest at near the composition of the Laves phase, TbFe₂ or GdFe₂.
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