
Home > KJMM 논문 > 발간논문

Vol.27, No.9, 793 ~ 800, 1989
The Effect of Sintering Enhancement of Boric Acid During Sintering of T - 15 High Speed Steel by CAP Process
이욱성Wook Seong Lee, 은광용Kwang Yong Eun
The effect of boric acid on microstructural evolution during the consolidation at atmospheric pressure(CAP) process of T-15 highspeed steel has been analysed in comparison with the effect of elemental boron. X-ray diffraction, X-ray microanalysis, optical and scanning electron microscope are utilized to examine the sintered structures. The microstructural and metallurgical features resulting from these two different sources of boron were essentially identical. Therefore the sintering enhancement effect of boric acid proved to be that of elemental boron which is formed through the reduction of boric acid during the CAP process.
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