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Vol.27, No.9, 823 ~ 829, 1989
sintering Behavior of Tic - Fe Base Composite
백영준Young Joon Baik, 은광용Kwang Yong Eun
The sintering behavior of TiC-Fe alloy composite has been investigated. Milled powder compacts of Fe∼33%TiC(wt.%), Fe-6.7%Cr-33TiC, Fe-6.7 %Mo-33%TiC and Fe-3%Cr-3%Mo∼0.6%C-33%TiC(Ferro-TiC C grade) were sintered between 1200℃ and 1450 C for 0 and 0.5 h. Most of the shrinkage during the sintering was observed to occur be low the liquid please formation temperature indicating that the solid state sintering of Fe alloy matrix plays an important role in the densification of the specimen. After liquid phase sintering at 1450℃ for 30 min., some pores remained. Subsequent HIP treatment, however, eliminated the remaining pores and increased TRS value.
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