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Vol.27, No.10, 896 ~ 904, 1989
A Study on the Surface Crystallization and Growth Procedure in Fe40Ni40P14B6 Metallic Glass
김성균Seong Gyoon Kim, 나형용Hyung Yong Ra
The preferential crystallization, microstructure and growth procedure of euctectic crystal in Fe_(40)Ni_(40)P_(14)B_6 metallic glass were investigated in the temperature range of 621∼671 K. When Fe_(40)Ni_(40)P_(14)B_6 metallic glass is annealed, the region that turbulent melt flow has occurred during melt spinning and the void surface crystallize preferentially. This phenomenon is due to the surface oxidation. The eutectic crystals change their morphology from the normal to the degenerate structure with the annealing temperature. This microstructural change of the eutectic can be explained by the difference of the temperature dependence of the interface kinetics between BCT(Fe, Ni)₃(P,B) and γ(Fe, Ni). Assuming that interface kinetics control mechanism dominates the growth of eutectics, the diffusion coefficient estimated from the measured eutectic growth rate agrees relatively well with the directly measured coefficient.
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