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Vol.27, No.11, 995 ~ 1002, 1989
Effect of Gas Inflow on Selectivity and Sheet Resistance of W - film deposited by LPCVD
류창섭Chang Sup Ryu, 이정중Jung Joong Lee, 금동화Dong Wha Kum, 주승기Seung Ki Joo
A hot-wall type reactor has been designed for chemical vapor deposition at low pressure(LPCVD), and deposition of W on an oxide patterned Si-wafer has been studied. Utilizing scanning electron microscope and cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy, selective deposition of W only on the exposed Si surface has been confirmed. It has been observed that the microstructure of the W-film is strongly affected by flow rates, i.e., partial pressures of reaction gases(WF_6 H₂ and Ar). Fourpoint probe measurement of the thin film showed that porosity in the LPCVD W-film is one of major causes which increases sheet resistivity of the film, and the quantity of porosity is affected by reaction species and individual flow rates.
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