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Vol.28, No.3, 225 ~ 235, 1990
A Study on the Fabrication of Stainless Steel Fiber Reinforced Aluminum composites by Using continuous Compo - Casting Process
이상목Sang Mok Lee, 이학주Hak Joo Lee, 홍준표Chun Pyo Hong
A new fabrication technique, $quot;Continuous Compo-Casting Process(CCC Process)$quot; has been developed to produce the FRM(Fiber Reinforced Metals) composites. In the present study, the stainless steel fiber and aluminum matrix were selected because of their mutual passible wettability and good handling conditions. The aims of this studiy are to establish a new process and to optimize the main fabrication parameters. Microstructural observations and mechanical tests were conducted on the composites produced by the CCC process. Continuous composite materials can be produced with a simple experimental apparatus and at low cost. The geometry of the composites can be modified easily by changing the mold geometry. It may be concluded that the CCC process will have a wide application in producing metal matrix composites for structural purposes.
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