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Vol.28, No.3, 260 ~ 269, 1990
Analysis of the Texture of Zircaloy - 4 Sheet by Crystallite Orientation Distribution function
류회수Hwei Soo Ryoo, 황선근Sun Ken Hwang
In order to analyze the texture variation of Zircaloy-4 sheet the Roe`s method of calculating the crystallite orientation distribution function(CODF) for hcp system was computer programmed. The coefficients W_(lmn) of CODF were calculated from plane-normal distribution pole figures obtained by X-ray diffraction, and the CODF was computed from a series expansion of spherical harmonics. The Legendre function, which is the basis of the harmonics, was computed up to ℓ=16 to account for the symmetry systems of specimen and hcp crystal. A cross-rolling followed by beta-phase heat treatment and furnace cooling increased the density of basal poles along the sheet normal direction and rotated prism poles around the c axis.
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