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Vol.28, No.3, 269 ~ 275, 1990
Solvent Extraction of Ga (3) with D2EHPA in Sulfuric acid Solutions
이응조E . C . Lee, 이재욱J . U . Lee
Solvent extraction of Ga(III) with D₂EHPA in sulfuric acid solutions was studied. The distribution coefficient was increased with an increase of pH and the slope of log D vs. pH was 3. The distribution coefficient was increased with decreasing the concentration of gallium ions in aqueous phase and increasing the concentration of D₂EHPA and temperature. The coefficient was higher with D₂EHPA dissolved in kerosene than in benzene. The McCabe-Thiele diagram showed that two extraction stages with the A/O ratio of 1 would be needed to extract gallium ions effectively.
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