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Vol.28, No.4, 336 ~ 343, 1990
Preparation of Fine Boron Nitride Powders (1) ( Boron Nitride formation by Vapor Phase Reaction )
김수식Soo Sik Kim, 고운호Un Ho Ko
To obtain fundamental informations for fine hexagonal boron nitride powders, the preparation of fine hexagonal boron nitride powders by vapor phase reaction procedures of BCl₃with NH₃has been carried out in the temperature range of 700-1400℃. The effects of reaction conditions on particle size and morphology of hexagonal boron nitride powders have been investigated by utilizing X-ray diffraction, SEM and IR spectroscopy techniques. The synthesis temperature of the h-BN crystal is higher than 1100℃. The h-BN crystal was obtained by heating at 1100℃ or higher in NH₃ambient again the reaction products which was obtained in the temperature range of 700-1100℃. The size of the reaction products obtained at 1400℃ is about 0.1 ㎛ and the shape of h-BN is spherical. Crystallite size and lattice parameter are found to have little influence in the molar ratio of BCl₃and NH₃. Temperature dependence of the crystasllite size is weak and the lattice parameters a and c decreases gradually with increasing reaction temperature.
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