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Vol.28, No.8, 726 ~ 734, 1990
Effects of Mold Binders on Solidification Structures and Mechanical properties of Al - Si Alloys Ingots
최창옥Chang Ock Choi, 이계완Kye Wan Lee
The effects of various molds on solidification structures and mechanical properties were studied in Al-1%Si and Al-10%Si alloys. Green sand mold, COL sand mold, cement sand mold, furan sand mold and shell sand mold which were mixed with different binders and a metallic mold were used with different pouring temperatures of 680℃ and 760℃. The results are as follows ; Solidification variables such as mold binders pouring temperatures and quantities played an important rold in micro-and macro-structures. Fine dendrite arm spacing (DAS) and equiaxed crystals as well as good quality of mechanical properties in Al-Si alloys could be obtained by controlling of the soliddifiation variables. The DAS and mechanical properties in Al-Si alloys are related by nonlinear relation-ships. As a supplemental test method, improved reliability of the casting is possible when DAS measurements are in combintion with nondesturctive inspection method.
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