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Vol.28, No.9, 813 ~ 818, 1990
A Study on the Control of the solidification Front in Growing single Crystals by Bridgman Method
한승호S . H . Hahn, 이경우K . W . Yi, 윤종규J . K . Yoon
Numerical analysis was performed to get the information about the shape of the solidification front in growing PbTe single crystals by Bridgman method. Calculations were done by FEM for the mathematical model which was based on the real experimental conditions. For PbTe, the thermal conductivity of the liquid phase is higher than that of the solid. Calculated results showed that the solidification front had an undesirable concave shape respect to solid. Because this type of the solidification front can be formed when the heat flux from the liquid through the ampoule is much larger than that through the solid, this trend may be restrained or reduced by promoting the heat flux to the solid. In this study, copper rod was placed at the bottom of the ampoule to act as a. heat sink. The analytic results showed promoted front shape(flat or less concave shape).
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