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Vol.28, No.11, 949 ~ 957, 1990
A Study on the Dynamic fracture toughness of Structural Steels by Instrumented Impact Testing (6) ( on the Crack Tip Behaviour in Estimating Fracture toughness )
김창열Chang Ryul Kim, 김헌주Heon Joo Kim, 조순형Soon Hyung Cho, 김기철Ki Chol Kim, 윤의박Eui Park Yoon
Dynamic fracture toughness of welding structural steel including it`s weld zone has been estimated by employing instrumented impact testing method for small size specimens. Result showed that dynamic fracture toughness, K_(ID) was increased in the order of HAZ 4㎜, HAZ 6㎜, HAZ 1㎜, HAZ 2㎜, fusion line. Correlations between Charpy absorbed energy and critical COD have been investigated to get a useful method for the estimation of critical COD from Charpy V data. The correlations between vE(T+△T) and fe were taken into a consideration where vE(T + oT) is Charpy absorbed energy obtained by considering temperature difference between Charpy transition temperature and COD transition temperature. It was found that the correlations were establised over a wide temperature range including not only upper shelf range but also transition range.
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