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Vol.29, No.1, 49 ~ 57, 1991
Study on the Elastic and Magnetic Properties of Fe - 13Cr - 5Ni - 12Mn Alloy
안병덕Byung Duk Ahn, 이재옥Jae Ok Lee, 문한규Han Gue Moon, 송기영Kee Young Song
Variation of elastic constants and magnetic susceptibility with temperature variation of austenitic Fe-_(13)C_r-_5N₁-_(12)M_6 stainless steel alloy were measured in the temperature range between 77K and 295K. The alloy showed the elastic costant anomalies at the same temperature as that for magnetic transition. Through the analysis of the sharp cusp on the susceptibility curve, the magnetic thermohysteresis, the spin order parameter, etc., it was confirmed that the magnetic transition occured in this alloy is the Ising mean field paramagnetic-spin glass transition of de Alemeida-Thouless type.
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