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Vol.29, No.7, 703 ~ 709, 1991
Elasto - Plasic Finite Element Analysis for Upsetting of Porous metal Cylinder
김형섭Hyoung Seop Kim, 이동녕Dong Nyung Lee
The elasto-plastic finite element analysis for deformation of sintered porous metal specimen has been made. This analysis takes into account yield surface expansion due to work hardening and density increase and contraction due to tensile stress as well. Density is calculated based on mass conservation. Below a critical density, the yield surface is assumed to have a very small finite value with penalty of 10^(-10). The method has been applied to upsetting of porous metal cylinder. The calculated results are in very good agreements with Shima`s experimental results. Folding and crcaking due to barreling are predicted.
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