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Vol.30, No.2, 144 ~ 152, 1992
A Study on the Change of Microstructure of Bi - Pb - Sr - Ca - Cu - O System Superconductor Thick Film during Line Heating
주재현Jae Hyun Joo, 주승기Seung Ki Joo
We have obtained a dense and unidirectionally solidified Bi-Pb-Sr-Ca-Cu-O superconductor thick film by line heating. When the maximum line heating temperature was above 870℃, it was divided into a (001) textured l0K phase and a Bi free phase solidified in scanning direction. After post heat treatment at 860℃ for 12h, it became a dense and homogenious superconductor(Tc=65K) by diffusion between two phases.
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