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Vol.30, No.3, 256 ~ 262, 1992
A Model Study on the Simulation of Dephosphorizing Reaction in the Combined Blowing Converter
김용식Y . S . Kim, 윤종규J . K . Yoon
The influence of gas stirring on mass exchange without chemical reation in the LD converter was studied as a function of the number and arrangement of the tuyeres, gas flow rate and blowing method of gas. In terms of mass exchange, dephosphorizaticn in LD converter was simulated in a water model using thymol as a tracer element. The most suitable number and arrangement of the tuyeres was decided from the better value of the volumetric mass transfer coefficient kw`a. The average kw`a value for the combined blowing process was found to be between that of the top and bottom blowing processes. The better liquid/liquid contacts in combined blowing process is mainly attributed to entrainment of oil for slag droplets.
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