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Vol.30, No.3, 302 ~ 308, 1992
The Effect of Factors on the Shape Memory Effect of Fe - Mn - Si (X) Shape memory Alloys ( The Effect of Co addition and Tensile Strain )
이영호 , 백무흠 김상주 Young Ho Lee , Moo Heum Baek , Sang Joo Kim
In polycrystalline Fe-30Mn-5Si alloys, the effects of deformation temperature and strain at various Co content on the shape memory effect(S.M.E.) and formation of εmartensite were studied. The deformation below M_d was governed by the r⇒ε mrtensite transformation, whereas it was due to the conventional slip above M_d without regard to Co concentration: The effect of Co might be the reduction of stacking fault energy of austenite, which resulted in increasing S.M.E. S.M.E, according to deformation temperature and strain decreased with increasing strain at the same temperature, while it increased with decreasing deformation temperature at the same strain. The amount of εmartensite decreased as deformation temperature increased and it changed little with Co contents. Regardless of Co content, Ma was not changed and A₃, A_f increased with Co contents.
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