
Home > KJMM 논문 > 발간논문

Vol.30, No.8, 894 ~ 904, 1992
Observation of Adiabatic Shear Band Formed by Ballistic Impact in an HY - 100 Steel
이성학Sung Hak Lee, 조경목Kyung Mox Cho, 이창선Chang Sun Lee, 주웅용Wung Yong Choo, 김영우Young Woo Kim
The objective of the present study is to investigate the adiabatic shear band of an HY-100 steel. This steel was deformed at high strain rate by ballistic impact and the adiabatic shear bands revealed white-etching bands with evidence of highly deformed flow connected with the cracks near :he impacted region. Transmission electron microscopy was used to investigate the dynamic transformation mechanisms including dynamic deformation and phase transformation in the adiabatic shear bands. The shear band microstructure is composed of very fine and highly dislocated equiaxed cells, together with coarser and dislocated grains with diffused boundaries, while thin elongated grains are found in the interface region between the matrix and the shear band. These microstructures are formed in an extremely short time by the combined effects of the temperature rise and highly localized deformation in the adiabatic shear band, suggesting that formation of adiabatic shear band might be explained by two possible mechanisms, i.e., a dynamic strain-induced transformation process and a dynamic martensite nucleation process from heavily deformed austenite.
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