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Vol.30, No.8, 929 ~ 938, 1992
Analysis of the Texture Development of Zircaloy - 4 Sheet during Phase Transformation
오성근Seong Geun Oh, 황선근Sun Keun Hwang, 이재일Jae Il Lee
The texture of Zircaloy-4 sheets induced by phase transformation was analyzed by Kearns number f_n and CODF(crystallite orientation distribution function). In order to improve the accuracy of the program which computers CODF, a two-step method for calculating the coefficients W_(lmn) of CODF from the incomplete pole figure data was introduced into the program. The odd-1 terms which cannot be acquired from the pole figure data were calculated by the Gaussian model function. The texture change accompanying phase transformation was studied with the misorientation distribution function(MODF) An MODF analysis revealed that the non-diffusional transformation phase had an orientation relationship with the diffusional transformation phase which formed before the non-diffusional transformation. The orientation relationship was attributed to the variants selection of transformation due to the anisotropy of thermal contraction, which could be explained in terms of the Schmid factor.
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