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Vol.30, No.9, 1047 ~ 1056, 1992
The Effects of Hot Isostatic Pressing and post Heat - treatment on the Characteristics of Prior Particle Boundaries of Rene 95 Superalloy
최병학B . H . Choe, 박로광N . K . Park
Prior particle boundaries are often observed in Rene 95 powders consolidated by hot isostatic pressing(HIP). The PPB and grain boundary morphology are well known to impart significant effects on mechanical properties at service conditions. The intent of this work is to improve PPB boundary and γ` morphology by changing HIP and post heat-treatment conditions. HIP temperature was controlled within 1050-1150℃, and post heat-treatment was done on the HIP` ed Rene 95. Thickness of the PPB is decreasing with increasing temperature. Post heat-treatment after HIP` ing results in serrated grain boundaries and PPB formed inside grains. The PPB formed in the HIP` ed and post heat-treated Rene 95 is composed of Al and Zr rich oxides, Nb and Ti rich carbides, and large γ` phases. Low temperature HIP followed by post heat-treatment is appropriate to obtain serrated grain boundaries and fine grains where PPB is enclosed. However γ` denuded zones are formed along the grain boundaries during long time exposure at high temperature.
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