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Vol.31, No.3, 295 ~ 305, 1993
The Effect of δ' , S' Size and Distribution on strength and Toughness of 8090 Alloy
우기도K . D . Woo, J . W . MartinJ . W . Martin
The effects of both a pre-ageing stretch and duplex ageing with pre-ageing stretch on strength and fracture toughness in the Al-Li-Cu-Zr alloy 8090 were observed. Both stretching prior to ageing and duplex ageing with pre-ageing stretch were found to effectively homogenize the distribution of S` and to increase the strength in this alloy. The decrease in toughness as the strength increases is little affected by the size of δ` and S` phases, but is primarily caused by the increase of yield stress arising from the prior stretch. The particle sizes of the δ` phase formed as a result of both the pre-ageing stretch and the duplex ageing treatment with pre-ageing stretch are only slightly dependent upon the change of deformation and the pre-ageing treatment, but is primarily dependent on the final ageing temperature.
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