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Vol.31, No.6, 705 ~ 712, 1993
Thickness and Frequency Dependence of Core Loss in a Non - Oriented eletrical Steel Containing 3.1wt% Silicon (2) - ( Effect of Sn Addition )
박종태J . T . Park, 우종수J . S . Woo, 배병근B . K . Bae, 차상윤S . Y . Cha
The effects of Sn addition on the core loss of a non-oriented electrical steel containing 3.1wt% Si were investigated in the range of 0.20-0.70㎜ in thickness and 50-400㎐ in frequency. When a small amount of Sn was added to the steel, it was not only segregated on grain boundaries, resulting in smaller microstructure, but also enhanced texture development favorable to magnetic properties. Due to these phenomena, the addition of Sn is found to be effective in reducing the core loss, especially the eddy current loss, at higher frequency and thinner gauge.
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