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Vol.31, No.7, 846 ~ 852, 1993
Analysis of Short - Range order Diffuse Scattering by High Resolution Electron Microscopy and the Image Processing System
이갑호 Kap Ho Lee
The combined use of high resolution transmission electron microscopy and the image processing are applied to determine the atomic-scale structure of the short-range order diffuse scattering, Microdomain was not detected in quenched Ni₄Mo alloy which showed the diffuse scattering at {11/20} positions. The lattice modulation observed in this alloy seems to be attributed to the concentration waves appeared parallel to the {210} planes. In quenched Cu₃Pt alloy which showed the diffuse scatterings with twofold and fourfold splittings of intensity maxima, the L1₂- type microdomains were recognized. This microdomains were believed to have out-of-step relation between neighbors.
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