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Vol.31, No.10, 1299 ~ 1308, 1993
The Effect of Mechanical Properties on the Erosion Behavior of Ductile Materials (1) ( The Erosion Behavior of Ductile Materials )
김용석Yong Suk Kim, 송진화Jin Hwa Song, 장영원Young Won Chang
The erosion behavior of mild steel, 304, 410 stainless steel and Inconel 600 superalloy was investigated. Erosion tests were conducted in the air at room temperature using angular SiC particles. Erosion rates were determined as a function of impact angles, impacting particle sizes and velocities. All tested materials showed the maximum erosion rate at impact angles between 20℃ and 30℃. Erosion rates increased with increase of the impacting particle size and velocity. The effect of particle-velocity increase on erosion rate decreased above velocities of 60m/sec. SEM observations of the eroded surfaces indicate that shearing process is a major erosion mechanism at low impact angles, while at high angles, platelet formation was a major erosion mechanism. It was found that erosion in ductile materials is a deformation-controlled process and none of the published empirical models or simple tensile parameters explain the difference of erosion rates among the tested materials.
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