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Vol.31, No.11, 1431 ~ 1440, 1993
Effect of Seed and Grid on the Recrystallization of silicon Thin Film in SOI - ZMR
이시우Si Woo Lee, 반효동Hyo Dong Pan, 임인곤In Gon Lim, 주승기Seung Ki Joo
We have recrystallized p-Si thin film using periodically-arrayed seed windows and grid patterns. With continuous seeding effects from periodically-arrayed seed windows, nearly single crystalline films with few defects could be recrystallized. The recrystallized film had same crystallographic orientation with single crystalline substrate. Thermal profile at solidification front could be modified periodically by buried p-Si grid patterns in capping oxide. As a result, defect trails having same spacing with grid patterns could be localized. Defects were localized with grid spacing up to 80㎛, but above 80㎛ defects became irregular due to unstable solidifying front. At relatively low incident beam intensity, films having low defect density could be obtained. As the beam intensity increased the defects became irregular.
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