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Vol.31, No.12, 1494 ~ 1501, 1993
Study on the Reduction Behavior of Synthetic Chromite ( FeCr2O4 ) by Solid Carbon (2)
이일옥I . O . Lee, 정원섭W . S . Chung, 김동의D . U . Kim
Synthetic chromite was used in studing the reaction mechanism and investigating the effect of variables on reduction behavior of chromite ore. The molar ratios of FeO to Cr₂O₃ and Fe to Cr₂O₃ were varied to investigate the role of FeO and Fe in the synthetic chromite, respectively. The reduction rates of CF3(2Cr₂O₃·FeO) and Cr₂O₃ with various amounts of Fe increased with increasing temperature. The reduction rates of CF3 as well as CF1(Cr₂O₃·FeO) and CF2(Cr₂O₃·2FeO) which were reported in the previous paper, increased with increasing the amounts of FeO and Fe addition in synthetic chromite. Teh presence of Fe in the synthetic chromite would increase the reduction rate due to decreasing the Cr activity.
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