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Vol.32, No.3, 336 ~ 344, 1994
Microstructure and Wear Behavior of Hypereutectic Al - Si Alloys with Casting Processes
임차용Cha Yong Lim, 강석봉Suk Bong Kang
The effects of casting processes and heat treatment on the microstructure and wear behavior of hypereutectic Al-Si alloys have been investigated. Two casting processes, gas-pressurized Hot Top process(alloy A) and spray deposition casting(alloy B), with different solidification rate have been employed. The microstructure of alloy A solidified at the rate of 100℃/sec was composed of coarse faceted primary silicon and fine round eutectic silicon crystals surrounded by aluminum dendrites. There was no primary silicon in the Alloy B which was rapidly solidified. Small and evenly distributed Si crystals were obtained in the alloy B due to the rapid solidification of liquid droplets. The improved dry wear resistance of alloy B compared to that of alloy A was attributed to these fine silicon particles. High temperature formability of alloy B was also evaluated by compression tests.
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