
Home > KJMM 논문 > 발간논문

Vol.32, No.8, 923 ~ 931, 1994
Computer Simulation of Spray Deposition Process with Reciprocating Nozzle
문병철 , 이진형 Byeong Cheol Moon , Zin Hyoung Lee
A flat plate can be manufactured by a new spray deposition method with a reciprocating spray nozzle and moving substrate. The shape and the temperature of the depostit. The shape and the temperature of the depostit produced by this process is analyzed by numerical method. An integral model for this spray deposition process has been developed and some necessary data of the spray deposition apparatus are measured experimentally. Governing equation of the temperature change of deposit is one dimensional heat conduction equation and solved by Fully Implicit FDM and TDMA. The unique feature of this process is the variation of deposition rate with time due to the variation of the position of the spray nozzle. As deposition rate is varying, the mesh size of the finite difference method also varies. The thickness of the deposit is governed by substrate speed and the waviness is governed by the reciprocating speed of the nozzle. Since the cooling rate of the deposit is gevened mainly by the deposit thickness, the substrate speed is its main controlling factor. Two parameters, Semi-Liquid Film Formation Thickness(SLFFT) and Maximum Liquid Fraction(MLF) are proposed for the prediction of deposit microstructure.
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