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Vol.32, No.12, 1450 ~ 1457, 1994
The Effect of Precipitates on The Mechanical Properties of Al - Li - Cu - Mg - Zr Alloy Extruded Bars
이동수Dong Su Lee, 이성의Seong Eui Lee, 나형용Hyung Yong Ra
The changes of microstructures and mechanical properties of Al-Li-Cu-Mg-Zr P/M alloy with various composition and extrusion variables were observed. Increasing Li content, yield stress increases but tensile stress decreases because of increasing intermetallic phases and δ phase formation. As the extrusion temperature get higher from 573K to 773K, the larger size of subgrain is obtained. Besides in case of extrustion at 773K, composite precipitates are precipitated in the matrix. The mechanical properties of extruded bars-Y.S. (570MPa), E.L. (2.6%)-were obtained by the finer microstructure. The reason is considered that composite precipitates derived cross slip or Orowan by pass of dislocation and Zr acted as grain refiner to suppress recrystallization.
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