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Vol.33, No.4, 437 ~ 447, 1995
Microstructural Changes During Isothermal Shearing of Semi - Solid State Mg - Al - Zn Alloys
유영호 , 김도향 Y . H . Yoo , D . H . Kim
The microstructural changes of Mg-Al-Zn-X(X=Si and Sr) alloys during semi-solid state processing has been investigated in the present study. The equiaxed α-Mg primary dendrites are broken into nearly spherical primary particles at the early stage of isothermal shearing, i.e. after isothermal shearing at f_s≒0.5 for ∼3-5 minutes. Once the non-dendritic structure has formed, the primary particle morphology and size distribution remain nearly unchanged for upto 40 minutes, due to the competing mechanisms of particle dissociation and restructuring. Microstructure and composition analysis shows that particle dissociation and restrucuring occur in various mechanisms such as recrystalization or fracture of dendritic structurers. Ostwald ripening and particle sintering due to isothermal shearing in semisolid state.
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