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Vol.33, No.5, 591 ~ 599, 1995
The Effects of Heat Treatments of Permalloy Targets on the Deposition Rates of Thin Films
김현태H . T . Kim, 한석희S . H . Han, 김희중H . J . Kim, 강일구I . K . Kang, 김인응I . E . Kim, 이상주S . J . Kim
Permalloy films were deposited by RF(Radio Frequency) magnetron sputtering method using several different targets which had been cold rolled and annealed at various temperatures to give different microstructures and textures. When permalloy targets are annealed at temperatures higher than 650℃, the microstructure changes from as-rolled structure to recrystallized one with fine grains, and consequently, the (110) texture structure transforms into the random texture. The residual stress of the targets decreases with the annealing temperature due to stress relaxation. The dependence of the input power on sputtering rate differs depending on the structure of targets, and the difference is increased with the Ar pressure. The deposition rate decreases with the annealing temperature when no microstructural change occurs. At the annealing temperature of about 650℃ where as-rolled structure transforms into recrystallized one, the deposition rate increases abruptly. The sudden increase in the deposition rate is related to the recrystallization of the targets. The deposition rate of thin film could be explained in terms of the changes in the stray field, residual stress, and the texture of targets accompanying the structural change.
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