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Vol.33, No.10, 1315 ~ 1323, 1995
The Activated Brazing Bonding between Alumina and Inconel 600 using Ag - Cu Filler Metal after Ti and Zr Coatings
조선욱Sun Wook Cho, 이임열Rhim Youl Lee
Alumina ceramics and Inconel 600 metal were bonded using conventional brazing filler metal of Ag-Cu alloy after Ti and Zr coatings onto alumina surface. Then the effect of metal coatings on the interfacial structure and metallurgical behavior at interface between the filler metal and Inconel 600 were investigated. It was found that a prior sputter coating of Ti or Zr was effecive in wetting even to the alumina surface of difficult-to-wet with Ag-Cu brazing alloy. The bonding shear strength employing Ag-Cu brazing alloy was found to be increased from zero to 12 MPa with 3 ㎛ Ti coating. Although this bonding strength was lower than that of 25 MPa for using active brazing metal of Ag-Cu-Ti, the active metal coating method prior to brazing with Ag-Cu alloy might give a benificial effect associated with a lower melting temperature of eutectic Ag-Cu alloy compared to Ag-Cu-Ti. And also it was found that the Ti coating and/or Ti segregation during brazing enhanced the separation of silver- and copper-rich liquid phaes in molten filler metal causing a coarse microstructure.
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