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Vol.33, No.11, 1414 ~ 1422, 1995
Numerical Simulation on the Effect of EMBR on the Fluid Flow in the Curved Continuous Caster
황윤성Yun Seong Hwang, 문기현Ki Hyeon Moon, 한창환Jeong Whan Han, 윤종규Jong Kyu Yoon
It is well known that the quality of slab and the productivity of continuous casting are directly linked to controlling the hydrodynamical state of liquid steel in the mold. The EMBR creates a transverse static magnetic field in the mold. Interaction of this field with the liquid steel flow creates a braking force. This braking force is expected to brake and redistribute the flow of the steel jets from the nozzle and suppress vorticity, turbulence and finally results in various beneficial effects. In this research, a computer program that can calculate the flow of molten steel in continuous slab caster equipped with EMBR was developed. A series of parametric studies using this computer program could help the understanding of the effects of EMBR and provides the fundamental data for the operation of the EMBR equipped caster, and will give understandings how EMBR works.
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