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Vol.34, No.7, 864 ~ 870, 1996
Research Paper - Welding & Joining - : Prediction of Ti / Al2O3 Interface Reaction Products by Thermodynamic Calculation
이병주 Byeong Joo Lee
A new method for prediction of intermetallic compounds at metal/ceramics interface has been suggested based on thermodynamic calculation and diffusion kinetics consideration. The present method was applied to the prediction of interface reaction between pure titanium and alumina at 1100℃. A local equilibrium was as sumed at the interface before the formation of intermetallic compounds. By calculating metastable equilibria between the β-Ti phase and Al₂O₃ and by considering the diffusivity of oxygen and aluminum in the β-Ti phase, the formation of Ti-alumides rather than Ti-oxides could be predicted in agreement with experimentally known fact. The effect of initial Ti thickness on the formation of the TiAl phase could also be clarified using the present method.
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