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Vol.34, No.9, 1171 ~ 1179, 1996
Research Paper - Solidification - : Crystallographic Texture in Twin - Roll Strip Cast AISI 430 Stainless Steel
최주태Ju Tae Choi, 김용희Yong Hee Kim, 오규환Kyu Hwan Oh, 나형용Hyung Yong Ra, 김상훈Sang Hoon Kim, 문희경Hee Kyung Moon
Crystallographic texture of as-cast AISI 430 strips both in roll-width direction and through thickness direction was studied. In the center region of strips, typical solidification texture with {100}components was observed and weak component of γ fiber, {111}∥rolling plane, was observed. In the edge region of strips, strong component of γ fiber texture was observed, whereas, typical solidification texture was weakly developed in the whole strip. Crystallographic rotation near the surface layer was observed, which showed the asymmetry of pole figure and development of rolling texture. Near the edge of the strip, orientation density of γ fiber and white band near the central layer increases because of heavy deformation in proportion to height of solidification end point. In case of heavily deformed strips, texture change through the thickness direction was observed. The increasing intensity of γ fiber from surface layer to central layer is due to the increase of shear deformation near central layer.
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